Leadership team meetings are highly underleveraged. You bring all your well-paid people together, but instead of them leaving motivated, they leave feeling like their time could have been better used elsewhere.
Here’s a simple and powerful solution: Start on a Positive Note.
How? Instead of jumping into problems, start each meeting reviewing what is going well, what has been achieved. The simplest and most powerful way to do this is with your ongoing action item list.
As… Read the full article >
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“F… the team!“
Does that shock you? About 10 years ago, a trusted advisor said this! Lawrence Polsky, my business partner, and I had just disclosed to her that we were refocusing our leadership and change management practice from individuals to teams. She didn’t think that teams were as critical as individuals to business success. And a lot of leaders think that way.
Why don’t people appreciate teamwork? Well, it makes sense, in a way. We have technology,… Read the full article >
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Research and experience tell us that collaboration is critical to organizational success. In fact, 86% of executives cite poor collaboration as the main reason for workplace failures. And only 14% of executives feel completely satisfied with their ability to collaborate and make decisions as a team. Why is it so difficult to work together?
We often hear executives say teamwork is important. Some CEO’s even make it part of their corporate values (Ford, Bain, Pfizer). But even as they… Read the full article >
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Are your team meetings oriented toward success? Or are they loose, unstructured amalgams of daily life, jokes, chatter, and very little progress? You need some fundamentals if you’re going to orient your team toward success!
Team building does not happen in an empty space. It has a very specific context and fulfills a very basic need: alignment. Good team building combines business topics with collaboration and team dynamics, helping a team organize and start work each day with a clear… Read the full article >
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You’re launching something new in your organization: a new business unit, a new innovative product, a new growth plan… anything new that is supposed to improve your company.
In every case, you have 3 choices. One, you can create a dysfunctional team where people are miserable and the project will ultimately fail. Two, you can create a functional team that does a “good job” but isn’t good enough to capture the results you desire. Or three, you can create a team… Read the full article >
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