
Trash 360° Feedback?

360 Feedback

When used appropriately, feedback from 360’s is an outstanding way to grow talent, increase team and company performance, and uncover blind spots. All this can be done without hiring expensive outside consultants – because your colleagues know your company best.
However, the power of 360’s is rarely fully leveraged. Too often, they are hijacked and used for the wrong reasons. That has made people suspicious and even sarcastic about 360’s. To avoid these traps, we recommend three 360 feedback strategies:

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Don’t Say This: Real, Cringe-Worthy Statements to Avoid When Announcing Changes

announcing change

Have you ever listened to a leader and thought, “Did they really say that?” The below quotes are real things leaders have said when announcing changes at work.

Read, cringe, and learn.

Creating Fear of Change

The train is leaving the station, whether you’re on it or not.”

“I know this change feels uncomfortable at the moment, but trust me, the next phase will be a lot worse…”

We have heard several versions of these statements over the years. They… Read the full article >


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6 Strategies to Move from Me to We

Move Your Team from Me to We

How do you create a sense of “we” when teams are spread across the state/country/world? Here are 6 practical strategies we know work because we have seen them first hand.

1. Set a Team Goal. Does your team have a goal that everyone is focused on? Or is It like most teams, where everyone is evaluated by their individual performance goals? Doing that creates a focus on “me.” By creating a team goal, everyone will focus… Read the full article >


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Optimize Collaboration Between Different Divisions, Functions, and Companies

Optimize Collaboration

Why would you want to optimize your collaboration with other divisions, functions, or companies?

Because it will feel good, reduce your workload, and give you leverage for the future!

Feel Good

For most of us, working with others, getting inspiration, being appropriately challenged, and having fun makes a big difference. How could you do all this alone? – Collaborating can be challenging at times, but in productive relationships, the reward is much higher than what you are putting into… Read the full article >


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5 Questions to Turn Around Your Executive Team, Today

Executive Team Turnaround5 Questions to Turn Around Your Executive Team, Today

Whether it is a pharma company, a software company, or any other kind of company trying to get ahead of the competition, teams get off course. It happens. Even with good people and the best intentions.

Based on helping dozens of teams in dozens of countries, these 5 questions will give you everything you need to know to transform your team and start moving towards a team of distinction.

1. What is… Read the full article >


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174 Nassau Street Princeton, NJ 08542
16526 W. 78th St Eden Prairie, MN 55346