
Putting Client Before Product

Client Before Product

Should you organize your sales approach by putting client before product? Of course!

As I’m typing this blog at a Princeton coffee shop, I’m with a friend named Sean who is trying to regain his footing. The startup he was involved with recently crashed. He says he could have used my consulting services, which he thinks this would have prevented his failure. But could consulting have saved Sean?

Sean is a talented technology expert and innovator. He worked for successful… Read the full article >


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The Battle to Be on a High-Profile Team

High-Profile Team

Everybody wants to be on a high-profile team. Should you?

Why you should:

•  It gives you exposure. People will recognize you as a “can-do” person.

•  You’ll be around ambitious and smart people, and you can learn from them.

•  Helps create a strong network for your future.

•  High velocity and high expectations are invigorating.

Why not to:

•  It’s risky. What if the project fails? Will… Read the full article >


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When Recognition Overcomes Success


Millennials are sometimes teased about being “trophy kids.” Recognition, earned or not, has been a central part of their lives. But how do we handle this constant need for recognition at work? Is there a limit to the amount of positive feedback and attention we should give? Can too much recognition be negative to individual and company success? We don’t think so!

Our research shows that recognition is an integral ingredient for team success. It’s part of our fifth dimension here at… Read the full article >


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One Step: How to Succeed When You’re Promoted to CEO

CEO succeedExecutive leadership is not as simple as doing what you did in the last job. If it was simple, I wouldn’t see so many people over the past 15 years who were promoted to CEO and suddenly can’t perform. I have come to the conclusion that success at these top levels is very personal. Let me explain.

When you reach the highest levels of any organization, you’re there because you are smart and capable and… Read the full article >


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How to Build a Team of Teams

team of teamsAre you part of a team of teams? – Probably, without even knowing it. Once you are moving up the hierarchy and are in charge of multiple teams, you are creating a team of teams universe.

The term “team of teams” has gained new traction since retired US Army General Stanley McChrystal published his book titled Teams of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World in 2015. General McChrystal was not the… Read the full article >


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