
How to Start a Team Meeting So It Ends Well

Starting team meetings


Leadership team meetings are highly underleveraged. You bring all your well-paid people together, but instead of them leaving motivated, they leave feeling like their time could have been better used elsewhere.

Here’s a simple and powerful solution: Start on a Positive Note.

How? Instead of jumping into problems, start each meeting reviewing what is going well, what has been achieved. The simplest and most powerful way to do this is with your ongoing action item list.

As… Read the full article >


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Don’t Say This: Real, Cringe-Worthy Statements to Avoid When Announcing Changes

announcing change

Have you ever listened to a leader and thought, “Did they really say that?” The below quotes are real things leaders have said when announcing changes at work.

Read, cringe, and learn.

Creating Fear of Change

The train is leaving the station, whether you’re on it or not.”

“I know this change feels uncomfortable at the moment, but trust me, the next phase will be a lot worse…”

We have heard several versions of these statements over the years. They… Read the full article >


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Optimize Collaboration Between Different Divisions, Functions, and Companies

Optimize Collaboration

Why would you want to optimize your collaboration with other divisions, functions, or companies?

Because it will feel good, reduce your workload, and give you leverage for the future!

Feel Good

For most of us, working with others, getting inspiration, being appropriately challenged, and having fun makes a big difference. How could you do all this alone? – Collaborating can be challenging at times, but in productive relationships, the reward is much higher than what you are putting into… Read the full article >


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When Recognition Overcomes Success


Millennials are sometimes teased about being “trophy kids.” Recognition, earned or not, has been a central part of their lives. But how do we handle this constant need for recognition at work? Is there a limit to the amount of positive feedback and attention we should give? Can too much recognition be negative to individual and company success? We don’t think so!

Our research shows that recognition is an integral ingredient for team success. It’s part of our fifth dimension here at… Read the full article >


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How to Build a Team of Teams

team of teamsAre you part of a team of teams? – Probably, without even knowing it. Once you are moving up the hierarchy and are in charge of multiple teams, you are creating a team of teams universe.

The term “team of teams” has gained new traction since retired US Army General Stanley McChrystal published his book titled Teams of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World in 2015. General McChrystal was not the… Read the full article >


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3 Ways to Create a Tight Team

Tight Teams

Google did a multi-year study of the highest-performing teams at their company, hoping to understand what makes them so efficient. The results told them a simple answer: community. The highest-performing teams were ones where individuals felt comfortable being themselves. The more a team feels like a supportive community, the higher its productivity is. Often, the most high-performing teams feel like a family, and that makes an incredible difference in their results.

1. Learn what everyone’s doing.Read the full article >


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Why Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? Two Simple Strategies to Boost Retention in 2019

How to boost retention when grass seems greener on the other side.
A complaint we hear when the economy is booming is, “We attract great people. But our best and brightest become disillusioned and eventually go off in search of other opportunities.” All too often, leaders don’t leverage the talent they have in their teams. These teams operate at a deficit—equal to or less than the sum of its parts. As a result, the best people leave.
Here are… Read the full article >


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14 Ways Great Leaders Show Their Love

Love is as important in the executive suite as in the bedroom suite. Love simply means having deep affection. It means caring. Why wouldn’t you have deep affection for people you spend most of your waking hours with, who share with you the challenge and joys of overcoming obstacles, and whose success means your success? More to the point of leadership – if you, the leader, doesn’t care about the team, why should the team care about you, your goals and your priorities?

So how do you show you care, you really care, and do it in the business… Read the full article >


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How to Apply Tom Brady’s Emotional Leadership to Your Team

Tom Brady played every play in Super Bowl LI like the previous. With calm confidence. It didn’t matter what the score was. It didn’t matter if they were down 21–3 at halftime or moving towards a tie at 28–20 in the 4th quarter. There was the same emotional tenor all the time. In the huddles and on the field. They were playing the game, play by play. No upset, no excitement. Just playing the game. This was not an accident. This was by design. This is the design of Tom Brady, whose emotional leadership created a team ready to… Read the full article >


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Why Leaders Are Often Lunatics

The new movie now headed to your local theater—Steve Jobs—sets out to make the point that the man who created arguably the greatest company in the world was slightly off his rocker. Or perhaps he was a nasty, crazy man in disguise.

Rather than indulging in that pointless debate, let’s step back and look at a broader and more meaningful issue: virtually all great leaders are in fact lunatics in part.

It is the very oddity of their thinking and personalities that lets them see and develop what passes the rest of us by. The fact is, I have… Read the full article >


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